We are excited to schedule another Atlassian User Group meetup with the enthusiastic Christchurch crowd on the 16th of March.


In January we have sponsored the first AUG for 2016 and our host Vector AMS kindly agreed to talk about their Atlassian setup.

As Experts we often come across organisations where business processes have a tendency to spiral into ever complex configurations.

So this time it was quite refreshing to see how elegantly and efficiently one can organise their development process when they have clear vision and freedom to do so. Tools are there to support you and Atlassian suite does just that without extra overhead.

Some of the things that impressed us were:
- the way they plan their sprints;
- big screens in the hallway with Kanban boards for a dynamic progress overview for the management;
- complex hierarchical Release Notes and Change Management artifacts being produced with Confluence templates and integrated with JIRA to satisfy the toughest Change Management team;
- extensive use of popular add-ons to create sub-tasks from templates (https://marketplace.atlassian.com/plugins/com.hascode.plugin.jira-quick-subtasks/server/overview) to provide consistency across workload;
- HipChat to support dispersed teams based in Wellington and Christchurch

We quickly ran out of time with so many things remaining on the wishlist for further discussions:
- future plans to implement Atlassian Dev tools
- best practices for the family of Tempo products (https://marketplace.atlassian.com/plugins/is.origo.jira.tempo-plugin/server/overview)
- use of JIRA Service Desk to process external requests

We are keen to find out more about what you have done to improve the way you manage your work or your questions or challenges - come to our next AUG at Enterprise Precinct and Innovation Campus on the 16th of Match.

Register here: http://www.meetup.com/ChCh-AUG/events/228854628

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