1. Jira Portfolio
Completely new add-on from Atlassian that provides a single, accurate view for planning and managing initiatives across multiple teams and projects in JIRA.
TechTime was lucky enough to work with an earlier incarnation of Jira Portfolio, so we're in a perfect position to help you make this new tool transform the visibility you have in your organisation.
Watch this space for Ed's view on how this amazing add-on was shaping up during our collaboration with product development team earlier this year.
2. JIRA Service Desk 2.0
Two words for you people - "free end-users" - ok it's three words.
Now you only pay for agents and not for every one of your customers, especially when this may mean "the rest of the Net". Teams can get started for as little as $25 per month-no matter how many customers you're providing support to.
3. Collaborative editing and first-class treatment for files in Confluence
From the upcoming 5.7 release Confluence will give files and attachments the first-class treatment. You'll be able to share files through Confluence and collaborate on them in much the same way you already do with pages, using @mentions and in-line comments. There will also be support for insane number of file formats. Would like to finally see that diagram they sent you in VSD? You got it. Designer wants you to look at PSD - easy as!
But wait, that's not all - they are bringing real-time collaborative editing to Confluence.
Yes, you read it correct - you will be able to edit the page in Confluence in real time with your colleague and leave inline comments afterwards that can be resolved once reviewed or corrupted. Brilliant!
4. Robots: Automated transitions to reduce context switching
Already perfectly tailored for Development Tools, Atlassian will take it step further in new JIRA releases with Automated transitions aka Robots.
Now developers can stay in their favourite Stash and op teams don't have to see anything but Bamboo, JIRA issues will move along workflow automatically based on commits or successful (hopefully!) builds.
It will eliminate the need to switch between applications and lose time as well as ensuring that issue's status is reflecting real time state of project, instead of relying on manual update from developers.